For foreign nationals seeking medical treatment in Taiwan, please consult the Bureau of Consular Affairs under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the National Immigration Agency of the Ministry of the Interior, the websites of Taiwan's representative offices abroad, and the Taiwan Medical Network - Traveler's Notice for the most current visa application regulations. Should you require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our center.
簽 證 資 訊 參 考
Visa Information for Reference
新加坡 Singapore
- 可免簽證進入臺灣不超過30天
- 超過30天需申請醫療簽證(醫院出具診斷書)
- 詳情請洽駐新加坡台北代表處
馬來西亞 Malaysia
菲律賓 Philippines
印尼 Indonesia
越南 Vietnam
緬甸 Myanmar
香港、澳門 Hong Kong and Macau
歐美 Europe and the United States
其他國家 Others