In the Beginning...
2000年7月24日,在證嚴上人的祝福下,眾目期盼的大林慈濟醫院開始門診。 「慈善,不能做為沒有效率的藉口!」 執行長林俊龍心念堅定。佛心師志,以科技為基石、以愛為拱橋,要將病人帶離苦難、身心歡喜。發揮「堅持與執著」的精神,以慈悲心、同理心付出關懷,現任院長賴寧生說:「讓病人將所有的病痛安心地、依賴地交付給我們。」
On July 24, 2000, under the blessings of Master Cheng Yen, the long-awaited Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital began its outpatient services. "Charity cannot be an excuse for inefficiency!" emphasized Executive Director Lin Junlong with unwavering determination. With a compassionate heart and the mission of the Buddha, we aim to leverage technology as a foundation and love as a bridge to lead patients away from suffering, fostering joy in both body and mind. Embracing the spirit of "perseverance and dedication," we provide care with compassion and empathy. Current Director Lai Ningsheng remarked, "Let patients entrust all their ailments to us with confidence and reliance."
Saving lives, Protecting health, Upholding

專業醫療服務 Professional Medical Services
From its establishment, Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital has implemented a state-of-the-art information system designed specifically for healthcare professionals. This system enables physicians to make swift and accurate medical judgments and decisions based on precise data.
Patients can receive optimal protection through the hospital’s advanced medical center-level facilities and professional expertise at every stage of their care, from consultations and examinations to subsequent surgeries.
Patient-Centered Care Philosophy
Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital adheres to a "patient-centered" medical philosophy with the aim of providing compassionate and attentive care. It is committed to delivering tailored and comprehensive services and support for each patient. It has developed an integrated medical center that includes the Joint Center, Preventive Medicine Center, and Geriatric Palliative Care Center. Providing patients with personalized and specialized treatment plans while assisting them and their families in resolving various issues encountered throughout the medical process.

社會公益與健康促進 Public Welfare and Health Promotion大林慈濟醫院從同仁、病人、環境、社區四大面向齊步推動健康促進醫院(HPH),並展開健康促進與疾病預防工作,包括定期舉辦的健康講座、免費健康檢查及社區義診,旨在提高居民的健康意識,推動健康促進。大林慈濟醫院以社區為導向的醫療服務(Community-oriented),從疾病的篩選到預防、治療,以及後續的協助與關懷,構築社區完整健康促進網絡。
Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital advances health promotion through four key dimensions—colleagues, patients, the environment, and the community—in alignment with the Health Promoting Hospitals (HPH) framework. This includes regular health seminars, free health screenings, and community outreach clinics. These initiatives are designed to enhance residents' health awareness and promote overall wellness.
Emphasizing a community-oriented approach, Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital provides comprehensive medical services ranging from disease screening and prevention to treatment and ongoing support, thereby building a robust network for community health promotion.
Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital advances health promotion through four key dimensions—colleagues, patients, the environment, and the community—in alignment with the Health Promoting Hospitals (HPH) framework. This includes regular health seminars, free health screenings, and community outreach clinics. These initiatives are designed to enhance residents' health awareness and promote overall wellness.
Emphasizing a community-oriented approach, Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital provides comprehensive medical services ranging from disease screening and prevention to treatment and ongoing support, thereby building a robust network for community health promotion.
推動國際醫療服務 Promoting International Medical Services大林慈濟醫院積極參與國際衛生組織活動與交流,期望藉由學術分享及合作,提升醫療服務的全面性,提供跨國醫療援助、支援災後重建和緊急醫療需求。大林慈濟醫院致力於增強全球醫療援助能力,並強化了醫療人員的應急處置能力,以應對各類突發公共衛生事件,改善災區民眾的生活質量。
Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital is actively involved in international health organization activities and exchanges, with the objective of advancing the comprehensiveness of medical services through academic collaboration and knowledge sharing. The hospital is dedicated to providing international medical assistance, supporting post-disaster reconstruction, and addressing urgent medical needs.
Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital is dedicated to strengthening global medical aid capabilities and improving the emergency response skills of healthcare professionals to effectively address various public health emergencies and improve the quality of life for affected populations.
Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital is actively involved in international health organization activities and exchanges, with the objective of advancing the comprehensiveness of medical services through academic collaboration and knowledge sharing. The hospital is dedicated to providing international medical assistance, supporting post-disaster reconstruction, and addressing urgent medical needs.
Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital is dedicated to strengthening global medical aid capabilities and improving the emergency response skills of healthcare professionals to effectively address various public health emergencies and improve the quality of life for affected populations.

In the Future
In the future, Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital will continue to realize its vision of "human-centered care and respect for life." The dedicated medical professionals at Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital will persist with unwavering confidence, determination, and courage, embracing gratitude, respect, and compassion. With a foundation in medical expertise and a commitment to compassionate care, the hospital aims to establish itself as a model of human-centered medicine, rooted in Taiwan and extending its influence globally.