

100.11.29~12.09_Knee Health Promotion Course for OA Knee
100.11.29~12.09_Clinical Training Course


 100.12.09 結業留言

Dear Dr. Lyu

Thanks a lot for the great opportunity you have given me to learn very well your concept of treating OA Knees. And I am sure that my patients will get the benefits of it. I wish you all the success.
God bless you.

Best regards.


101.04.23 感謝信件

Dear Dr. Lyu
I miss you so much! 

I've been following your instructions in the treatment of my patients either conservatively or surgically and really they improved. All the time when the patient comes to me and tell me that he is improved, I would mention to them that it's not because of me but because of the effort of Dr. Lyu of Taiwan who taught me his new concept. So now I can tell you that your name is known to Abu Dhabi people and really I appreciate your kindness.
I wish you in good health and be successful all the time.  
Really I appreciate all you have done to me and I wish to plan for another fellowship with you in the near future because it is a great honour to be with you.
Yours Sincerely
Dr Farid Ayyad

Farid Ayad :  阿拉伯聯合大公國 阿部達比 埃及藉骨科醫師

研習時期:兩週(2011 11月)


目前在阿拉伯聯合大公國一家醫院擔任骨科醫師的 Farid 表示,過去遇到退化性膝






了解退化性膝關節炎 埃及醫來台學習

關節鏡手術 阿聯醫師取經


2012.11.14~11.23_Knee Health Promotion Course for OA Knee
2012.11.14~11.23_Clinical Training Course



在寒冷的冬季,應是值得珍藏的吧 .......


甫結束 Knee Health Promotion Course (膝關節健康促進研習課程)的孟加拉骨科醫師Dr. Mahmud 捎來感謝訊息:


Dear Dr. Lyu

How is everything going on in Joint Center? Hope everything is fine. I can't express in words how grateful I am to you for allowing me to participate in your course. It was a pleasure to learn from you and your team. It was a dream come true for me and I enjoyed the stay in Dalin very much. I have no doubt in my mind that the KHPO will be a established method of treatment for OA in very near future. I have already done two cases. Although it took more time than you, I think I did the procedure properly according to your principle. All thanks goes to you for this.

Please give my thanks to all your staffs for their help and kindness. I am very much committed to establish KHPO in our country and I have no doubt that you will help me in this process.

Thanks again for having us and wish your good health. Hope to see you again.

Kind regards

Dr. Mahmud

December 8, 2012


2012.11.14~11.23_Knee Health Promotion Course for OA Knee
2012.11.14~11.23_Clinical Training Course



在寒冷的冬季,應是值得珍藏的吧 .......



Dear Sir,

“When you know a thing, to hold that – you know it, and when you don’t know a thing, to allow that you don’t know it – this in knowledge” – Confucius.

Thank you sir, for enlighten me with such knowledge. Being a resident in orthopaedic surgery, having young eyes full of dream, and tender mind to flourish, this fellowship will give me the opportunity to think about osteoarthritis of the knee, as well as, of pain related to the knee. You have shown how beautifully you manage these problems by KHPO and gave patients a big relief. No doubt, it’s a new idea, a new journey. And sir, you are traveling this journey with faith, courage and wisdom. “…Every tree trunk contains the homes of insects, every leaf can be the nest of dewdrops. Every road has the shoe prints of travelers, or perhaps the print of their feet. But the trail of each shoe print or footprint is eventually covered and obliterated by the wind and dust. To be a ‘traveler’, one can only go forward all alone.” – Xiang Yang (Lin Chi-Yang)

I believe this journey of yours will see its peak very soon.

And you are not alone, sir, we are with you.

Finally, thanks to you, your team and all the beautiful Taiwanese people, who made the days here a very wonderful and memorable days of my life.


Thank you all 





Nov. 23, 2012


101.12.05~21_Knee Health Promotion Course for OA Knee
101.12.05~21_Clinical Training Course


Respected Dr.Lyu SR,

    I am very thankful to you to have given us this opportunity to come to Da-Lin and learn about the KHPO program including Uni-K and TKR surgery. It has been a great educational and cultural trip to Taiwan. Your Vision of KHPO is really great and I assure you that in the coming years it will be an internationally recognized treatment modality for OA knee.

    Like Dr. Ponseti for CTEV, you will be Dr. Lyu for OA knee!

    I personally believe that KHPO is tailored and made for Indian patents, as the routine lifestyle of Taiwanese people is very similar to that of Indians and I have personally seen your long-term follow up patients who are completely satisfied and cured of OA knee. This method will definitely be a success in India.

    It is a beginning of a journey,

    THE KHPO JOURNEY of: Seeing → Believing → Practicing

    Most of my feelings have already been written by Dr. Amit in regards to our accommodation, education and especially your hospitality. I have gained a lot of knowledge not only in ACRFP but also in Uni-K & TKR. I thank you for your kindness in telling us all the tips and tricks in ACRFP, Uni-K and TKR. I also have to mention that our trip to The National Chung Cheng University was very helpful to us in understanding the pathology of OA knee.

    I would like to personally thank your team especially Gefu, Kasma, Chia-Chi, Su-Mie, Ruby and Rachel and all the kind staffs of yours for the overwhelming love shown to us.

    With this I promise to practice KHPO and spread awareness of KHPO and the actual pathology of OA knee that the world has still now not seen.

    With this I ask for your blessings for me to practice KHPO and ACRFP in the correct manner. Also as mentioned by Amit, we would love to coauthor your work in our national orthopaedic Journal, after we have had our own set of cases.

    This is just a beginning of a teacher-student relationship between us that will remain forever.

    I wholeheartedly invite you and your family to stay and tour India with us. Also I promise to work hard to invite you as an international faculty for a conference/workshop.

    I thank you for this past amazing 3-weeks.

Thank you!

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Siddharth Patel


Ashirvad Hospital

Near Jayshree Cinema


2012.12.05~21_Knee Health Promotion Course for OA Knee
2012.12.05~21_Clinical Training Course


Respected Dr. Lyu SR,

    It was so wonderful to have a chance to visit you for 3 weeks. You and your staffs were always so gracious hosts. We really appreciate being able to stay in your lovely guest room and really enjoyed all delicious meals offered to us.

    We thank you very much for taking us out to tour different locations within you country. Your country is absolutely beautiful and there are so many interesting places that the average foreigners would never find out by themselves. It was really exciting to see and experience the lifestyle of your great country. I hope next time when you travel to India, please do make your plan to stay with us as we would love to reciprocate your kindness and grace.

    The competency of you and your staffs was really inspiring and I couldn’t be more lucky that I got this opportunity to observe, work and learn under your dedication and expertise on the topic of KHPO. I really admire your patient answers to our queries regarding the ACRFP.

    I admire the way you made us believe in your work with a research back up you have in your Chung-Cheng University. The visit to the university was exciting, as we do not have access to this cutting edge research technology. We really enjoyed visiting various departments and were greeted and explained well the research process in details, thereby making us believe in the medial abrasion syndrome.

    I really feel that I have been able to understand the process of osteoarthritis and the timely treatment has benefits for the patient. I think the valuable information you provided to us right from how to do the procedure, it’s indications, and how to manage the patients in OPD will really help me in my Orthopaedic career. I am determined to propagate your treatment protocols of KHPO in my country through my practice and would love to invite you for a conference as an international faculty.

    I hope I am able to do the procedure after returning back to my place and would give feedback regarding the outcomes. I would like to publish a co-authored paper once I am well versed with this procedure. I will keep in touch regarding this.

    Once again I would like to thank you and your whole staffs especially Ruby, Rachel, Kasma, Gefu, Chia-Chi, and Su-Mei for making us comfortable and feel at home. Please let me know if anybody from your staffs is ever visiting to India. India is a beautiful country and I believe anybody visiting would love it.

Yours Respectfully


M.S. (ORTHO) Asst. Professor

Smimer, Surat, Gujarat, INDIA

2013.10.30~11.12_Knee Health Promotion Course for OA Knee
2013.10.30~11.12_Clinical Training Course


103.11.12 結業留言








  老師的理念是整合骨科、家醫科、複健科、風濕免疫科、讓OA Knee能得到完整全方位的術前、術中、術後治療。我的理想是再將針灸以及手法(比如教患者的三個動作),再整合中醫科。


  首先做份PowerPoint,對院內其他醫護同仁推廣KHPO;再來出去講座時,分享KHPO內容讓大家知道,對於OA Knee有阻止的方法,不需要再等到有天“輪胎皮”磨掉了再更換。









2019.08.12~30_Knee Health Promotion Course for OA Knee
2019.08.12~30_Clinical Training Course


Dear Dr. LyuI would like to express my deepest gratitude and thank you for giving me this opportunity to be able to learn your KHPO and ACRFP fellowship Program here in Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital, Taiwan.It is a huge honor and an eye opening experience for me to learn this concept of knee osteoarthritis from you. I will never forget the sentence that you told me when I first met you, "forget all you know about osteoarthritis." At that time, I was confused and in shock, but after finishing this fellowship program and seeing the evidence and patients by myself, I agree with you. I think your methods should be a part of training for the newer generation of orthopedic surgeons as it opens new insight regarding cartilage regeneration and joint preservation.I would also like to thank all the supporting staffs and nurses. They are extremely kind and friendly. They treated me more like a family than a fellow stronger here in Dalin, Taiwan. I will introduce your KHPO Program as well as ACRFP techniques in our Tzu Chi hospital in Indonesia. I’d also love to have this co-operation between your Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital and our Indonesia Tzu Chi Hospital, Maybe in the future I can help to submit my data to you as well.Once again thank you very much for this opportunity, I wish you to always be in good health so you can help many more patients. Please contact me if you or your staff come to Indonesia, it is an honor for me to return this kindness that you and your staffs showed me.Warm regards,IVAN MAC THEDA. MD/鄭振漢

Dept of Orthopedics - Tzu Chi Hospital

8/29 2019


2019.09.23~27_Knee Health Promotion Course for OA Knee
2019.09.23~27_Clinical Training Course



林秀玲 合十

2014.07.18 午后


2019.09.23~27_Knee Health Promotion Course for OA Knee
2019.09.23~27_Clinical Training Course



104.01.27 結業留言




學生 黃建睿 
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